Pilot a Gyrocopter - Ocius Park



Aerodrome near Navalcarnero or others depending on dates.


All year round, flights are always subject to weather conditions.


12 months from date of purchase


Our Gyrocopter

Ela-10, is an exclusive gyrocopter with refined lines, high performance, that will make you enjoy the flight in a unique, fun and very safe way.



299 x person
  • 1 hour flight


299 2 people
  • 30 min + 30 min flights


299 3 people
  • 20 min + 20 min + 20 min + 20 min flights
This flight is a demonstration performed by our instructors. The amount paid for this experience will be deducted from the total price of the pilot course, in case you decide to enroll and take the step to become a real pilot.

What is a Gyrocopter like?

It is an aircraft propelled by an engine and supported by a rotor that turns freely, in autorotation. The rotor also serves to maneuver the aircraft in its lateral and longitudinal axis, while the yaw movement is performed by a tail rudder.
Gyrocopter safety

Is it safe?

The gyrocopter is considered one of the safest aircrafts that exist, thanks to its autorotation system that prevents it from stalling, which is the cause of most accidents with airplanes, thanks to this autorotation system that does not need an engine to rotate, it provides extra security in case of landing without an engine, being able to land at very low speed.
About the activity

What are we going to do?

The experience consists of 10/15 min of breafing where the commander in command will briefly explain the operation of the aircraft and how to handle it (this time must be added to the contracted flight time).
Once the breafing is over, the adventure begins, we will get into the gyrocopter and we will taxi along the service runway to the head of the runway and start flying.
More info

Co-piloting, what is it?

During the flight we will see beautiful landscapes and only if you want, you will have the opportunity and unique experience of piloting the gyrocopter in full flight (and you can say that you have been a pilot 😉 ) always with the supervision of the commander in command. The gyrocopter have duplicate controls is like in driving school cars, so even if you are piloting yourself, you will never be in danger because the commander of the aircraft will always be watching and directing you to make it a unique experience, exciting and always totally safe.

How to book

Through the booking form on our website. Then send us an email to info@ociuspark.es to reserve a date and time.

© 2018 Ocius Park Carretera Colmenar Viejo – San Agustin de Guadalix, Km10. 28770, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, España. info@ociuspark.es

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